Irrespective of the niche of your business, it is very important to keep up with the newest trends in the industry. If you want to survive the competition, do not overlook the necessity of keeping your business and services up to date. In the print industry too, there are new trends coming up time and again. The business card is one such marketing tool which should particularly be designed keeping in mind the ongoing trends. Here are top 6 business card trends you must follow:

  1. Simplicity- ‘Less is more’ has now become the ultimate mantra for business card designers. Crammed up information and designs don’t give a professional look to your business cards. Every enterprise is now going for a simple design and choosing minimalism over fancy. It is said that ‘simplicity adorns the beauty’; well in the case of business cards, ‘simplicity adorns the sophistication’.
  2. Quirky touch- One or two witty lines have never done any harm! Your clients are bombarded with a lot of other business cards, the only way to make yours stand out is to add a quirky touch. It may be puns, unique symbols or a witty statement, just add something that would evoke humour and excitement in the recipient.
  3. Innovative shapes and design- The traditional rectangular shapes of the business cards are now a thing of the past. A lot of enterprises are now experimenting with card shapes and designs to make it more eye-catchy. The dual or triple layered cards are trending too.
  4. Smart Card- Nowadays, printed business cards have these QR codes which directs the recipients to the company’s website or social media sites. This not only saves up some space but also makes the business card more informative.
  5. Bigger fonts- Apart from the colours, fonts play a key role when it comes to business card designs. Big and bold typefaces help direct the recipients’ attention to specific and important information.
  6. Hand-illustrated business cards- Yes! business cards are nothing bust marketing tools. But you can always add a personal touch by including your unique illustrations. Hand-illustrated business cards show care and approachability and have a delicate feel to it. If you’re a small business which likes having one-on-one interactions with your customers, this is certainly the trend for you.

PintStop, a well-established online printing service, offers a wide range of prime business cards and visiting cards printing. They have over a hundred industry-specific ready-to-use designs and also an in-house design team to help you customize your business cards. With thrice the thickness of ordinary cards, these prime visiting cards are ageless- no wrinkles or tears. They have cutting edge design with unlimited coloured seams to choose from. You can even order as low as only 50 prime business cards. They offer doorstep delivery and you can easily track your package through automated emails and SMS. Check out their business cards designs at